CEED Exam & It’s Importance in M.Des Admission in India


The Common Entrance Exam for Design (CEED) is an entrance examination conducted for admission to postgraduate programs in design. It is conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, also known as IIT Bombay. CEED is a benchmark for evaluating the aptitude and creative skills of candidates aspiring to pursue a Master of Design (M.Des) degree or PhD in Design in India.

Significance of the CEED exam

Firstly it provides gateway to Prestigious Institutions: CEED  entrance exam opens doors to some of the most prestigious design institutions in India, including IITs, IISc, and other renowned design institutes. Admission to these institutions through CEED offers candidates exposure to world-class faculty, infrastructure, and industry collaborations.

Secondly it consists of comprehensive Evaluation pattern: CEED evaluates various aspects required for a successful career in design, such as visualization skills, creativity, problem-solving ability, aesthetics, communication skills, and drawing skills. CEED ensures that only deserving candidates secure admission by testing these essential attributes.

Thirdly it is a National Level Examination: CEED is a national-level examination that attracts applicants from all over India. This allows candidates to compete with students from diverse backgrounds and enhances their learning experience by fostering interaction with peers from different cultures and perspectives.

Importance of CEED exam in M.Des Admission

Firstly CEED serves as a standardized assessment to evaluate candidates’ aptitude for design. Secondly recognized by prestigious design institutions across India, CEED scores are pivotal in determining admission to M.Des programs. Thirdly through CEED, institutions gauge candidates’ creativity, problem-solving abilities, and design-thinking skills, essential for success in the field of design.

Structure of CEED


The CEED syllabus covers various topics, it includes visualization and spatial ability, observation and design sensitivity, environmental and social awareness, analytical and logical reasoning, language and creativity, and design thinking and problem-solving.

students  should also be well in sketching (atleast students should be able to convey their ides through sketching and drawing), drawing, rendering, and visualization. Familiarizing themselves with the entire syllabus and practicing related exercises and mock tests will help candidates perform well in the exam.

Structure of the CEED Exam

The CEED (Common Entrance Examination for Design) exam is structured in two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is a computer-based exam consisting of multiple-choice questions, which tests candidates’ design aptitude, visual and spatial ability, analytical and logical reasoning, language, and creativity. Part B is a studio test and an interview assessing candidates’ drawing, design, and communication skills.

The weight assigned to each part of the CEED exam is as follows: Part A is given a weight of 25%, while Part B holds a weight of 75%. This means that Part B carries more weight in determining the overall result of the CEED exam.

Preparing the CEED 2024 result involves combining the scores obtained in Part A and Part B to determine the final result. The performance of candidates in both parts of the exam is taken into consideration to generate the final merit list.

In conclusion, the CEED exam is divided into two parts, with Part B carrying the majority of the weightage in determining the final result for CEED 2024.

Part A: Screening Test

Part A of the CEED entrance exam is the Screening Test, which is based on Visual and Spatial Ability, Environmental and Social Awareness, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, and Language and Creativity.

The Visual and Spatial Ability section consists of questions that test the candidate’s perception, imagination, and observation skills. The Environmental and Social Awareness section evaluates the candidate’s knowledge of environmental and social issues. The Analytical and Logical Reasoning section assesses the candidate’s reasoning and problem-solving abilities. The Language and Creativity section tests the candidate’s language and creative skills.

Question Paper Structure for Part A

Part-A (Total marks: 150; Maximum time: 1 hour)

  • This section will be conducted as a computer-based test.
  • Part A consists of three sections.

CEED part A marking

Section 1: NAT (Numerical Answer Type)

  • 8 questions (4 marks each; no negative marks).
  • Answers are numerical and must be entered using a virtual keyboard on the computer screen. No answer choices are provided.

Section 2: MSQ (Multiple Select Question)

  • This section consists of 10 questions.
  • Each MSQ may have one or more correct choices out of the four given.
  • Full Marks: +4 for selecting all correct options and none of the incorrect ones.
  • Partial Marks: +3 for choosing all four correct options but selecting only three.
  • Partial Marks: +2 for selecting two correct options out of three or more, and none of the incorrect options.
  • Partial Marks: +1 for choosing one correct option out of two or more, and none of the incorrect options.
  • Zero Marks: 0 if the question is left unanswered.
  • Negative Marks: -1 in all other cases.

Section 3: MCQ (Multiple Choice Question)

  • 26 questions (3 marks each for the correct answer; 0.5 negative marks for incorrect answers).
  • Each MCQ has four choices, with only one being the correct answer.

Part B- Design Test

Preparing for the Part B Design Test requires sharpening your sketching, rendering, and visualization abilities. Practice freehand sketching to demonstrate proficiency in visual communication and creativity. Use rendering to bring life and depth to your designs, and visualization to effectively convey your ideas.

Practicing the previous year’s question papers, which are available on the official CEED website, will help you familiarize yourself with the test format and improve your problem-solving skills.

Part-B Exam Details

In the second part of the exam, known as Part-B, you can earn 100 marks and have a maximum of 2 hours to complete it. Part B is designed to assess your design, drawing, and writing skills. This part includes five questions.

CEED Exam part B marking

Here’s what you need to know

  1. The questions in Part-B will be shown on the computer screen, but student won’t answer them on the computer. Instead, you’ll use an answer book provided by the invigilator.
  2. Even though you write your answers in the provided answer book, it’s essential to tick the appropriate box on the computer screen to indicate that you’ve answered each question.
  3. If you’re a PwD candidate using a scribe, please note that assistance is not allowed for Part B. This is because the questions in this section aim to evaluate your drawing skills.
  4. Remember, your completed Part-B answer booklet will be collected at the end of the exam.
  5. Part-B questions are mandatory, so be sure to allocate your time effectively to complete both Part A and Part-B within the given time frame. This way, you can make the most of your exam opportunity.
  6. There is no negative marking for the Part B questions.

Understanding these details will help you navigate Part-B of the exam successfully. Good luck!

To excel in the Part B Design Test, practice regularly and seek feedback to improve your skills in sketching, rendering, visualization, communication, and problem-solving. Keep in mind that the ability to demonstrate proficiency in these areas is crucial to acing the test. Good luck with your preparation!

CEED Exam Cities

The CEED 2024 has decided to conduct examination including Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Ernakulam, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Mumbai, Mysuru, Nagpur, Noida, Panaji, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, and Visakhapatnam.

Candidates has option to select three preferred cities in during online registration of CEED. After submitting the registration form, requests for changing the chosen city will not be entertained by the CEED exam office. students should choose their preferred examination city very carefully.

If by any chance a city doesn’t have enough candidates, it may be removed from the final list, and candidates will be assigned to their second or third choice city. The UCEED-CEED Implementation Committee (UCIC) has the authority to add or remove cities and assign a city not chosen by the candidate.

Admission Process After CEED

It’s important to note that just passing the CEED exam doesn’t guaranty to secure your admission to any Mdes program. After securing rank at CEED exam, students need to take the apply for respective institute basically IITs individually. After that if you fit to their admission criteria, then IITs and other institute will call you for interview and situation/studio test. students should keep checking admission websites for various IITs for their admission schedule and dates.

  1. Apply to Institutes: Students who has passed CEED examination and have valid rank must apply directly to the institutes they are interested in for admission. Each institute may have additional requirements, such as tests or interviews, that you need to fulfill. For example IDC School of Design at IIT Bombay ask stream specific questions while filling the admission form.
  2. Fulfill Additional Requirements: Be prepared to meet any additional criteria set by the respective institutes. This could include additional tests or interviews that are specific to each program. most of the IITs have their own style of conducting situation tests, studio activities and material handling tests.
  3. Stay Informed: The institutes will make the announcement for admission to postgraduate design programs separately. Keep an eye on their notifications and updates.
  4. Visit Institute Websites: For detailed information and the application procedure for specific programs, visit the official websites of the institutes you’re interested in. every institute have unique requirements and procedures, so students should understand admission process of each IITs and other colleges.

Remember, the CEED qualification is just the first step. Students need to understand and follow the admission processes of the institutes you aspire to join. For more details and application procedures, visit the respective institute websites. Best of luck with your admission journey!

Links of Design colleges who accept CEED results in their respective admission process:

IISc Bangalore – Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing,  website link

IIT Bombay – IDC School of Design (Industrial Design Centre), website link

IIT Delhi – Department of Design,  website link

IIT Guwahati – Department of Design, website link

IIT Hyderabad – Department of Design, website link

IIT Jodhpur – Department of Design, website link

IIT Kanpur – Design Programme, website link

IIT Roorkee – Department of Design, website link

IIITDM Jabalpur – Design Discipline, website link

IIITDM Kancheepuram, website link

CEED 2024 Result Sharing Institutes:

MIT ID Indore – Avantika University

Jain University (Deemed-to-be-University) Bangalore

World University of Design (WUD) Sonipat, Haryana

JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur

RV University, Bengaluru

Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune

Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bengaluru

VIT School of Design (V-SIGN), Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore

CEED Timeline for 2024


Contact details for CEED exam related query:

Mail Address :
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Mumbai 400076.

+91 22 2576 4063 / 9093 / 9094
(Monday to Friday, 09:30 – 17:30 hrs)

[email protected]



CEED plays a critical role in shaping aspiring designers’ career paths by allowing them to pursue postgraduate studies at prestigious institutions. By evaluating various aspects of design aptitude and creativity, CEED ensures that only the most deserving candidates get admission to M.Des programs. Prospective candidates should thoroughly understand the exam structure, syllabus, and important dates to prepare effectively and maximize their chances of success.

4 thoughts on “CEED Exam & It’s Importance in M.Des Admission in India”

    1. Hello Sulekh, Thanks for the comment, CEED 2025 notification will be open around mid September2024 – October 2024, we would suggest not to wait for next exam and start your preparation now!!
      Best wishes from D’kosh (Design Kosh) team

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